Our Expertise
Clinic Features
We're centrally located on the main street of Maffra.We're right next to the ANZ bank and directly across the road from the newsagency.... Maffra is blessed with a wide main street flanked by service roads either side..so that's 6 lanes of parking that is often in shade ..long time locals are used to parking outside of where they want to go (they get a little aghast if this doesn't happen first time)..visitors love the parking and are often bemused that there is no cost. Oh ,and if you're used to traffic lights you'll be excited to know that Maffra does not even have a traffic light..well there is a pedestrian crossing with flashing lights but that's it..no traffic snarls or gridlock here.
Open the door and walk inside , the reception desk is directly on your right...there's a large bell to ding if you need "immediate attention" (it does sound like a Melbourne tram though)...Checkin with your receptionist..and have a seat....toilets are located on the left , midway down the hallway from the frontdesk..ask if you need directions...
Waiting Area
There is a variety of seating in the waiting area and unless you're early you probably won't be there for long at all..the usual things..TV...Toys(including circus tent!)...old magazines...water dispenser...a couple of product shelves with potentially useful things to purchase if you like.
New Patients
If you're a new patient to the clinic..welcome!..we have some initial paperwork for you to fill in...there is two sheets front and back on each...that makes 4 pages that includes details about yourself and the things that have brought you to seek our help. It is important to fill in as many details as you can , this helps us in determining whether we can help you or not. Your practitioner will use this form as part of your history..All of our practitioners failed mindreading in their training..so you are going to have to tell us..(we all had good passes in educated guessometry though)
As with all health clinics we are required to gain your informed consent before treatment is commenced..please read the information ..ask any questions...seek some understanding..and finally sign to indicate your consent...a separate area is required for children's consent. This will be also signed by your practitioner.You always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time,for any reason.
Regular Patients
Can we ask that you check in with the reception staff member before you take a seat. If any of your address or contact details have changed please let us know the current information..it only takes a few seconds to update our system...soon we will be implementing a different software that runs our appointments , receipting , visit notes etc...this can include email and sms reminders if you wish...and online bookings can be made at any time...so make sure all your details are correct ..